사용자 설명서 WACOM DTI-520UB

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Mode d'emploi WACOM DTI-520UB

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   WACOM DTI-520UB (2071 ko)

수동 요약 : 사용설명서 WACOM DTI-520UB

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] The following symbols appear throughout this user guide in order to ensure safe use of the DTI520UB (hereafter referred to as "DTI-520UB, " "the product" or "this product"). Please read these items carefully and always heed the Warning and Caution items when using your DTI-520UB. Warning Caution This symbol indicates an item that, if ignored when handling the product, could lead to the loss of life or serious injury. This symbol indicates an item that, if ignored when handling the product, could lead to injury or damage to personal property. Indicates that it is important to be careful when taking the action or actions noted. [. . . ] If the protective covering for the LCD display becomes soiled, wipe with a dry, soft cloth. If the stain is difficult to remove, try moistening the cloth slightly. Caution: Do not use detergents for cleaning. The use of detergents may adversely affect the performance of the pen. Also, do not use organic solvents, as they may cause surface discolouration. Replacing the Pen Nib When the pen nib becomes worn down so that it is 1mm or less in length, replace it as shown in the illustration below. If the pen nib becomes worn down and angular in shape, it can easily damage the surface of the protective covering of the LCD display. Remove the pen nib Insert a new nib Using a pair of tweezers or a similar tool, pull the nib out of the pen. Caution: Insert the new nib, firmly pushing it in until it stops. Please prevent children from placing the grip pen or pen nib in their mouths. There is the danger that the nib may be pulled out and swallowed. If the grip pen is placed in the mouth, it may be damaged. 24 Troubleshooting Display Troubleshooting If One of These Messages Should Appear. . . Message Prior to connecting the product, if you have a monitor that you have been using, connect it and then adjust the horizontal frequency to 30­80 kHz and the vertical frequency to 50 ­75 Hz. - Verify that the video signal cable* is connected. - Verify that the video signal cable connector pins are not bent or broken. · When the computer goes in to power saving mode, move the mouse or press any keyboard key. · Verify that the computer graphics board is correctly installed. · Verify that the video signal cable is connected. · Verify that the video signal cable connector pins are not bent or broken. · If you are using a cable other than the video signal cable that was included with the product, this message may appear prior to the computer going into power-saving mode. Use the cable that was included to connect the product. The RGB ­ RGB cable is not connected. What to Do Reference - P. 11 P. 11 P. 9 P. 11 The composite video cable is not connected. P. 11 Set the refresh rate so that it is 70Hz or less. The refresh rate may be adjusted at the Screen Profile dialog box for your computer. - Caution:* Video signal cable indicates both USB cables (see page 9). If One of These Conditions Should Appear. . . The power lamp lights up orange or · Verify that the video signal cable is connected. · Verify that the video signal cable connector pins are not orange and blue. · When the computer goes in to power saving mode, move the mouse or press any keyboard key. · Verify that the computer graphics board is correctly installed. The power lamp doesn't light up · Verify that the power cable is connected and turn the power switch on. The screen doesn't display even when the power switch is turned on. Condition What to Do Reference P. 11 P. 10-11 - 25 The picture is distorted The picture appears wavey The picture flickers Condition The picture is not clear · Adjust the pitch and phase. [. . . ] . 23 , 30~80kHz, 50~75kHz * . RCA (Composite Video Cable) . Refresh Rate . P. 10 P. 10 P. 8 P. 8, 10 P. 10 :* , RGB ( P. 9) . . . P. 10 - P. 9-10 24 . . [. . . ]

WACOM DTI-520UB 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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