사용자 설명서 SONY SAL30M28

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Mode d'emploi SONY SAL30M28

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   SONY SAL30M28 (1928 ko)

수동 요약 : 사용설명서 SONY SAL30M28

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] Pull out the outer casing so that the Pull out from outer casing holder 1 Slit cut-out outer casing protrudes from the inner cable and cut out the outer casing at the marked section by 7mm. At this time, be careful not to cut the inner cable. After that, make the cut end perfectly round. 4) Push the outer casing on so that it securely touches the outer casing holder. Inner cable Outer casing holder Outer casing 5) Attach the inner cable to the pulley as shown in the illustration, pass the inner cable through the slit in the cassette joint bracket, and then insert the end of the outer casing securely into the outer casing holder. Adjusting the cassette joint 1. [. . . ] After that, make the cut end perfectly round. 4) Push the outer casing on so that it securely touches the outer casing holder. Inner cable Outer casing holder Outer casing 5) Attach the inner cable to the pulley as shown in the illustration, pass the inner cable through the slit in the cassette joint bracket, and then insert the end of the outer casing securely into the outer casing holder. Adjusting the cassette joint 1. Check to Oil drainage and oil lubrication method 1. Remove the bolt from the T connector. 3. Hold the T connector and cable firmly. Fill oil in the cable using an oil spray, etc. be sure that the yellow setting lines on the cassette joint bracket and pulley are aligned at this time. Position marked with a marker Set to 4 7mm Rubber bellows Rubber cover Yellow setting lines Fill oil. 2 Remove from the slit 8. Attach the inner cable fixing bolt unit. 1) Check that the shifting lever is changed to the first gear. 2) After checking that the end of the outer casing is sitting securely in the cable adjustment bolt of the revo-shift lever, attach the inner cable fixing bolt unit to the inner cable. Inner cable fixing nut Inner cable fixing washer Inner cable fixing bolt Slit Inner cable Pulley Bracket Bracket Bolt 2. 5 mm Allen key CAUTION Wear glasses during draining and lubricating work. 3) Remove the inner cable fixing bolt unit from the cassette joint pulley. Inner cable fixing bolt unit Cassette joint pulley Note: Outer casing holder NOTE: Parts are not guaranteed against natural wear or deterioration resulting from normal use. Make the cut end perfectly round. Make the cut end perfectly round. Insert into the outer casing holder. 2 1 Pass through the slit. The yellow setting lines on the cassette joint are located in two places. Use the one that is easiest to see. 2. 1) Insert the outer casing into the rubber cover and mount it on the outer casing holder. 2) While holding the end of the rubber bellows, insert the inner cable. Be careful not to pierce the rubber bellows with the end of the inner cable at this time. Inner cable fixing nut Gap in pulley Guide Pulley Guide 2. Attach the inner end cap. Inner end cap Water 2. Remove the shifting cable from the cassette joint. 8mm Inner cable fixing bolt 8 mm OK Not OK If the unit is provided with rubber bellows, remove the whole unit. Rubber bellows Rubber cover End of rubber bellows Inner cable Cassette joint If the inner cable was replaced: 4) Turn the cable 60° counterclockwise and attach it to the hook. After adjusting the cassette joint, cut off the excess length of inner cable and then install the inner end cap. These service instructions explain how to use and maintain the Shimano bicycle parts which have been used on your new bicycle. For any questions regarding your bicycle or other matters which are not related to Shimano parts, please contact the place of purchase or the bicycle manufacturer. * Service Instructions in further languages are available at : http://techdocs. shimano. com Please note: specifications are subject to change for improvement without notice. [. . . ] After adjusting the cassette joint, cut off the excess length of inner cable and then install the inner end cap. These service instructions explain how to use and maintain the Shimano bicycle parts which have been used on your new bicycle. For any questions regarding your bicycle or other matters which are not related to Shimano parts, please contact the place of purchase or the bicycle manufacturer. * Service Instructions in further languages are available at : http://techdocs. shimano. com Please note: specifications are subject to change for improvement without notice. [. . . ]

SONY SAL30M28 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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