사용자 설명서 PHILIPS FC9128

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다. 잊지마세요 : 물건을 사기 전에 반드시 사용자 설명서를 읽으세요

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   PHILIPS FC9128 (655 ko)
   PHILIPS FC9128 (655 ko)

수동 요약 : 사용설명서 PHILIPS FC9128

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] In Standby Mode, quickly enters the appropriate menu as listed below: · · · · : Main Menu Mode. Shows a list of the whole phonebook entries when held down. Allows you to quickly access your voice mail server when held down. Deletes characters from the display. In Menu Mode, returns to the previous menu level. [. . . ] · Group: Define the caller group to the entry. · MEMO: Enter other information about the person. Press the Adjusting the Volume During a call, if you want to adjust the earpiece volume, press the keys on the left side of the phone. In Standby Mode, you can adjust the key and Function tone volume using the keys. Ending a Call When you want to finish your call, briefly press the key. Or, close the phone. Switching to the Whisper Mode Whisper Mode automatically increases the microphone gain levels to allow the other party to hear your voice even though you may be whispering. During a call, press and hold the the whisper mode. key to switch to Redialing the Last Number To redial the last number you dialed or received, press and hold the key. To redial one of the numbers in the LastCall Log list: 1. key. Answering a Call When a call comes in, the phone rings and displays the caller's phone number, if the Caller Line Identification service is available. For detailed information, contact your service provider. When the phone is ringing, open the phone to answer the call. You can set the scroll direction when you select the digital type. Number Menu: You can change the size and the color of the number to be displayed when you enter a phone number to dial. 1:Number Size/2:Number Color Four-digit Dialing You can enter the last four consecutive digits of a number in the Phonebook or the call log list, and your phone can dial the entire number for you. Enter the last four digits of the desired phone number. your phone dials the corresponding number. If there is more than one number that contains those digits, all of them are listed. Scroll to the number you want using the navigation keys and press the key to dial. key to enter the My Phone menu. Press the key to enter the menu. 4. Scroll with the Navigation keys to highlight English. Press the key. 194 You can also use the index number to access the Language menu function; press the key for Start Menu Mode and then press, key, the 5 key for Language. 195 1. Phonebook (the or key + 1, the ) 5. [. . . ] You can also set whether or not to display the caller's ID. 1:Privacy/2:Secret Friend/3:Incoming/ 4:International/5:Caller ID for Foreigner 5. 5. MONETA Chip (the or key + 5) 6. This menu option does not display in English. To use this option, you must subscribe to the Moneta service and insert the moneta chip to your phone. [. . . ]

PHILIPS FC9128 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
사용자가 원하는 자료가 존재하지 않거나, 불완전하거나, 다른 언어로 되어 있거나, 모델이나 언어가 설명과 맞지 않는 경우 등의 어떠한 경우에도 Lastmanuals는 책임이 없다. 예로, Lastmanuals는 번역 서비스를 제공하지 않는다.

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