사용자 설명서 JAMO X 870

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[. . . ] iPad , . . iPad . , ( ) . , . iPad Apple Dock Connector to USB Cable Apple 10W USB Power Adapter USB 2. 0 USB , Apple Apple "Works with" . iPad . Apple . Apple 10W USB Power Adapter iPad . Apple 10W USB Power Adapter . Apple 10W USB Power Adapter . [. . . ] iiPad Wi-Fi + 3G SAR . (RF) . . 1 FCC OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C(Edition 01-01) IEEE P1528. 1(2003 4 21 ) Canada RSS 102 Compliance Certification Services . iPad Wi-Fi + 3G Limitation of Exposure of the General Public to Electromagnetic Fields 1999 7 12 [1999/519/EC]. Health Industry Manufacturers Association  15cm . , iPad 15cm . 3 , iPad (/ , ). iPad . . " " " . " iPad . . Certification and Compliance See iPad for the certification and compliance marks specific to that device. To view, choose Settings > General > About > Regulatory. Australia New Zealand U. S. Model A1219 N122 Z844 harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. , Wi-Fi Bluetooth 1999/5/. Français Par la présente Apple Inc. déclare que l'appareil cellulaire, Wi-Fi, et Bluetooth est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. lýsir því hér með yfir að þetta tæki, sem er farsími, þráðlaus og með blátannartækni (e: cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, ) fullnægir lágmarkskröfum og öðrum viðeigandi ákvæðum Evróputilskipunar 1999/5/EC. dichiara che questo dispositivo cellulare, Wi-Fi e Bluetooth è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. deklar, ka cellular, Wi-Fi un Bluetooth ierce atbilst Direktvas 1999/5/EK btiskajm prasbm un citiem ar to saisttajiem noteikumiem. 4 Lietuvi Siuo , , Apple Inc. " deklaruoja, kad korinio, , , Wi-Fi" ir , , Bluetooth" rysio renginys atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. nyilatkozom, hogy a mobil, Wi-Fi és Bluetooth megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak. Malti Hawnhekk, Apple Inc. , jiddikjara li dan cellular, Wi-Fi, & Bluetooth radio jikkonforma mal-tiijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti orajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC. dat het toestel cellular, Wi-Fi, en Bluetooth in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. erklærer herved at dette mobiltelefon-, Wi-Fi- og Bluetooth-apparatet er i samsvar med de grunnleggende kravene og øvrige relevante krav i EU-direktivet 1999/5/EF. owiadcza, e ten telefon komórkowy, urzdzenie Wi-Fi oraz Bluetooth s zgodne z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostalymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. [. . . ] L'utilizzo all'esterno dei propri locali è subordinato al rilascio di un'autorizzazione generale. Japan Compliance Statement-- VCCI Class B Statement Apple . Apple , Apple (1) (""). , Apple , Apple Apple (1) , (2) , , (3) . (Apple ` ' ) (90) . [. . . ]

JAMO X 870 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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