사용자 설명서 HP OFFICEJET 4500 G510A ̋

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수동 요약 : 사용설명서 HP OFFICEJET 4500 G510A̋

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] OFFICEJET 4500 Getting Started Guide Getting Started Guide OFFICEJET 4500 Getting Started Guide G510 G510 Copyright Information © 2010 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P. Edition 1, 3/2010 Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. [. . . ] Note: All faxes stored in memory are deleted from memory when you turn off the power. For more information about using this feature, see the user guide (which is available on your computer after you install the software). Make sure the printer is turned on and paper is loaded in the tray. 2. 3. Press the (Setup) button. or buttons to select Press the Print Report appears, and then press OK. Fax 17 English While you are on the phone with the sender, tell him or her to press the button used for sending or receiving faxes on his or her fax machine. 4. Select Reprint Faxes, and then press OK. The faxes are printed in the reverse order from which they were received, with the most recently received fax printed first. Receive faxes to your computer You can automatically receive faxes and save faxes directly to your computer with HP Digital Fax (Fax to PC and Fax to Mac). You can store digital copies of your faxes easily and also eliminate the hassle of dealing with bulky paper files. In addition, you can turn off fax printing altogether-- saving money on paper and ink, as well as helping reduce paper consumption and waste. Note: You must install the HP software provided with the printer before setting up HP Digital Fax. For more information about setting up and using HP Digital Fax, see the user guide. 5. 6. Press the (Start) button. If you want to stop reprinting the faxes (Cancel) in memory, press the button. Working with reports and logs You can print several different types of fax reports: · · Fax Confirmation page Fax Log · · Image on Fax Send Report Other reports These reports provide useful system information about the printer. To print a report 1. On the printer's control panel, press the (Setup) button. or buttons to select Press the Print Report, and then press OK. Select the fax report you want to print, and then press OK 18 Fax To clear the fax log 1. On the printer's control panel, press the (Setup) button. or buttons to select Press the Tools, and then press OK. Select Clear Fax Log, and then press OK. Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP) You may subscribe to a low cost phone service that allows you to send and receive faxes with your printer by using the Internet. This method is called Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP). You probably use a FoIP service (provided by your telephone company) if you: · Dial a special access code along with the fax number · Have an IP converter box that connects to the Internet and provides analog phone ports for the fax connection. To see if an FoIP service is available, contact your telephone company. For more information about using FoIP with the printer, see the user guide. Fax 19 English 3. Solve setup problems The following sections provide help with problems you might have while setting up the printer. If you need more help, see the user guide (which is available on your computer after you install the software). Problems setting up the printer · · · Make sure that all packing tape and material have been removed from outside and inside the printer. [. . . ] . 57 . . · · · · · · . ( ) . 53 "3: " . . . 58 (" " ). [. . . ]

HP OFFICEJET 4500 G510A 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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