사용자 설명서 BRAUN 5874 QUICK GUIDE
Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다. 잊지마세요 : 물건을 사기 전에 반드시 사용자 설명서를 읽으세요
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BRAUN 5874 (2240 ko)
수동 요약 : 사용설명서 BRAUN 5874QUICK GUIDE
사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.
[. . . ] Before plugging into a socket, check that your voltage corresponds with the voltage printed on the bottom of the appliance. Never let the cord come in contact with the inside. Do not put metal objects into the toaster. [. . . ] This appliance is not suitable for toasting crisp bread, rusk, or similar food. Never cover the toaster slot, nor insert food covered with foil. Never use without the crumb tray in place. Therefore do not use near or below curtains or other flammable materials. The appliance will get hot, especially the metal parts. Braun electric appliances meet applicable safety standards. Repairs on electric appliances (including cord replacement) must only be carried out by authorized service centres. Faulty, unqualified repair work may cause accidents or injury to the user. To warm, switch the browning control (E) to the position with the roll symbol and push down the lift (D).
Always unplug the appliance and allow to cool down before cleaning. Never clean the appliance under running water, nor immerse it in water. Clean the exterior surfaces with a damp cloth only. Do not use steel wool or abrasive cleaners. Small amounts of dishwashing liquids may be used. Never use any solvents such as alcohol, gasoline or benzone. Occasionally pull out and empty the crumb tray (H). Subject to change without notice Please do not dispose of the product in the household waste at the end of its useful life. [. . . ] Occasionally pull out and empty the crumb tray (H). Subject to change without notice Please do not dispose of the product in the household waste at the end of its useful life. Disposal can take place at Braun Service Centre or at appropriate collection points provided in your country.
Guarantee We grant 1 year guarantee on the product commencing on the date of purchase. [. . . ]
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Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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