사용자 설명서 SONY SU-WH500

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Mode d'emploi SONY SU-WH500

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수동 요약 : 사용설명서 SONY SU-WH500

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] · Some computers may have multiple display screen modes. Use of some of these modes will not be possible with this projector. · Depending on the input signal, full-size display may not be possible in some cases. Refer to the number of display pixels above. [. . . ] Click the [Enable] check box for the [Authentication] setting when authentication is required. Default setting is "Enable". Port open Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715) Authentication When the authentication setting is enabled, the following settings are required. Security Settings Authentication Password Network Control Re-enter Authentication Password Enter the desired authentication password. This setting will be the same for [Network Control Port1 (Port: 23)] and [Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715)]. Default setting is blank. 9 Command Control via the Network (continued) Command Format [TCP #23] 1. Protocol Consist of header (7 bytes) + command data (6 bytes) 2. Header BE + EF + 03 + 06 + 00 + CRC_low + CRC_high CRC_low: Lower byte of CRC ag for command data CRC_high: Upper byte of CRC ag for command data 3. Command data Command data chart byte_0 byte_1 Action low high byte_2 byte_3 Type low high byte_4 byte_5 Setting code low high Action (byte_0 - 1) Action Classication 1 Set 2 Get 4 Increment 5 Decrement 6 Execute Content Change setting to desired value. Run a command. Requesting projector status (Get command) (1) Send the following request code from the PC to the projector. Header + Command data (`02H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + `00H' + `00H') (2) The projector returns the response code `1DH' + data (2 bytes) to the PC. Changing the projector settings (Set command) (1) Send the following setting code from the PC to the projector. Header + Command data (`01H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + setting code (2 bytes)) (2) The projector changes the setting based on the above setting code. Command data Network control commands that start with BE EF (13bytes). Check Sum This is the value to make zero on the addition of the lower 8 bits from the header to the checksum. Connection ID Random value from 0 to 255 (This value is attached to the reply data). 11 Command Control via the Network (continued) 7. Reply Data The connection ID (the data is same as the connection ID data on the sending data format) is attached to the Network control commands reply data. ACK reply: `06H' + `xxH' NAK reply: `15H' + `xxH' Error reply: `1CH' + `xxxxH' + `xxH' Data reply: `1DH' + `xxxxH' + `xxH' Projector busy reply: `1FH' + `xxxxH' + `xxH' Authentication error reply: `1FH' + `0400H' + `xxH' (`xxH' : connection ID) Automatic Connection Break The TCP connection will be automatically disconnected after there is no communication for 30 seconds after being established. Authentication The projector does not accept commands without authentication success when authentication is enabled. The projector uses a challenge response type authentication with an MD5 (Message Digest 5) algorithm. When the projector is using a LAN, a random 8 bytes will be returned if authentication is enabled. Bind this received 8 bytes and the authentication password and digest this data with the MD5 algorithm and add this in front of the commands to send. Following is a sample if the authentication password is set to "password" and the random 8 bytes are "a572f60c". 2) Receive the random 8 bytes "a572f60c" from the projector. 3) Bind the random 8 bytes "a572f60c" and the authentication password "password" and it becomes "a572f60cpassword". [. . . ] NOTA · La información de este manual puede sufrir modicaciones sin previo aviso. · El fabricante no asume ninguna responsabilidad por los errores que puedan aparecer en este manual. · No está permitida la reproducción, transmisión o utilización de este documento ni de su contenido sin autorización expresa por escrito. NOTA · Le informazioni riportate in questo manuale sono soggette a modica senza preavviso. [. . . ]

SONY SU-WH500 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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