사용자 설명서 PHILIPS HR1861

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수동 요약 : 사용설명서 PHILIPS HR1861

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] Make sure all parts are correctly mounted before you switch on the appliance. Only use the appliance when both clamps are locked. Do not operate the juicer for more than 40 seconds at a time when juicing heavy loads and let it cool down sufficiently afterwards. ENGLISH None of the recipes in these instructions for use constitute heavy loads. [. . . ] After you have processed all ingredients and the juice flow has stopped, switch the appliance off and wait until the filter has stopped rotating. 4 Tips - Use fresh fruit and vegetables, as they contain more juice. Pineapples, beetroots, celery stalks, apples, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, melons, tomatoes, pomegranates, oranges and grapes are particularly suitable for processing in the juice extractor. - You don't have to remove thin peels or skins. those of oranges, pineapples and uncooked beetroots need to be 10 ENGLISH removed. Also remove the white pith of citrus fruits because it has a bitter taste. When preparing apple juice, remember that the thickness of the apple juice depends on the kind of apple you are using. The juicier the apple, the thinner the juice. Choose a kind of apple that produces the type of juice you prefer. Apple juice turns brown very quickly. You can slow down this process by adding a few drops of lemon juice. Fruits that contain starch, such as bananas, papayas, avocados, figs and mangoes are not suitable for processing in the juice extractor. Use a food processor, blender or bar blender to process these fruits. lettuce can also be processed in the juice extractor. Drink the juice immediately after you have extracted it. If it is exposed to air for some time, the juice will lose its taste and nutritional value. To extract the maximum amount of juice, always press the pusher down slowly. The juicer is not suitable for processing very hard and/or fibrous/starchy fruits or vegetables such as sugar cane. - - Cleaning The appliance is easier to clean if you do so immediately after use. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents, scourers, acetone, alcohol etc. All detachable parts are dishwasher-safe. 1 2 Switch the appliance off, remove the plug from the wall socket and wait until the filter has stopped rotating. Remove the dirty parts from the motor unit. [. . . ] Use the pulp collected in the pulp container. Add honey, sugar, oil and vanilla sugar and blend well. Sift in the dry ingredients until just blended in. [. . . ]

PHILIPS HR1861 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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