사용자 설명서 PHILIPS HR1378

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Mode d'emploi PHILIPS HR1378

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   PHILIPS HR1378 (11181 ko)
   PHILIPS HR1378 (11181 ko)

수동 요약 : 사용설명서 PHILIPS HR1378

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] Theadaptercontainsatransformer. Donot cutofftheadaptertoreplaceitwithanother plug, asthiscausesahazardoussituation. If the adapter or charger is damaged, always haveitreplacedwithoneoftheoriginaltype inordertoavoidahazard. 1. 2 Warning · · · · · · · · · · Neveruseanyaccessoriesorpartsfrom othermanufacturersorthatPhilipsdoes not specifically recommend. If you use suchaccessoriesorparts, yourguarantee becomesinvalid. Thisapplianceisintendedforhouseholduse only. [. . . ] Movetheapplianceslowlyupanddownand incirclestoblendtheingredients. 2 Put the ingredients in the beaker (see chapter `Getting started', 'Prepare the food'). · See the table below for the recommended quantities and processing times. 60sec. 6 Ingredients Quantity Fruits & vegetables 100-200g Baby food, soups & 100-400ml sauces Batters 100-500ml shakes & mixed drinks100-1000ml Cleanthehandblenderafteruse(see chapter `Cleaning') and put it back onto 7 E n gl I s h Immerse the blade guard completely in the ingredientstoavoidsplashing. thechargertopreventthebatteriesfrom runninglow. 4. 2 Chopping BWarning: Becarefulwhenyouhandlethebladeunit, thebladesareverysharp. Beparticularly carefulwhenyouremovethebladeunitfrom thechopperbowl, whenyouemptythechopper bowlandduringcleaning. The chopper is intended for chopping ingredients such as nuts, meat, onions, hard cheese, boiled eggs, garlic, herbs, dry bread etc. Use the serrated blade unit to crush ice. 1 Putthechopperbladeunitinthechopper bowl. 4 Fastenthemotorunitontothechopper bowl (`click'). 5 Slidethesafetyswitchdownwards(1), hold itinpositionandpresstheon/offbutton(2) toswitchontheappliance. 2 Puttheingredientsinthechopperbowl(see chapter `Getting started', section `Prepare the food'). · See the table for the recommended quantities and processing times. 10sec. 2 1 Ingredients Quantity Onions 200g Meat & fish 200g Boiled eggs 2 eggs herbs 30g Almonds 200g Dry bread 80g Parmesan cheese 200g Dark chocolate 100g Ice cubes pieces 3 You can release the safety switch when the appliance starts to operate. If you want to chop pulsing, keep the safety switch pressed downwards and press the on/off button a few times in quick succession. DNote: If you do not press the on/off button within 2secondsafterslidingthesafetyswitch downwards, the indicator lights start to flash red (see section `Error mode' in chapter `Getting started'). Putthecouplingunitonthechopperbowl. 8 6 7 8 9 If the ingredients stick to the wall of the chopperbowl, loosenthemwithaspatulaor byaddingliquid. Alwayslettheappliancecooldownafteryou · haveusedittochopmeat. Detachthechopperafteruseandcleanit (see chapter `Cleaning'). Attachtheblenderbartothemotorunit andputtheapplianceonthechargerto preventthebatteryfromrunninglow. DNote: It is not possible to put the chopper on the charger. Donotthrowawaytheappliancewiththe normalhouseholdwasteattheendofits life, but hand it in at an official collection pointforrecycling. Bydoingthis, youhelpto preservetheenvironment. 5 Cleaning BWarning: Donotimmersethemotorunit, thecharger, the adapterandthechoppercouplingunitinwater. BWarning: Donottouchthebladeswhenyoucleanthem. 1 Pressthereleasebuttonsonthemotorunit toremovetheblenderbarorchopper. ETip: Youcanalsocleanthebladeoftheblender barwhileitisstillattachedtothemotor unit. Immerse the blade guard in warm water withsomewashing-upliquidandletthe appliancerunforawhile. ETip: Youcanalsoremovetherubberringfrom thechopperbowlforextrathorough cleaning. Seetheseparatecleaningtableforfurther instructions. · Thebuilt-inrechargeablebatteriescontain substancesthatmaypollutetheenvironment. Alwaysremovethebatteriesbeforeyou discardandhandintheapplianceatan official collection point. Dispose of the batteries at an official collection point for batteries. [. . . ] D : 2 , (` ' ` ' ). . 18 6 7 8 9 . D : . 6 · . . 6. 0. 1 B : . 4 . 2 1 20 5 . [. . . ]

PHILIPS HR1378 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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