사용자 설명서 PHILIPS HR1364

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   PHILIPS HR1364 (6587 ko)
   PHILIPS HR1364 (1542 ko)
   PHILIPS HR1364 (6587 ko)

수동 요약 : 사용설명서 PHILIPS HR1364

사용을 위한 자세한 설명은 사용자 가이드에 있습니다.

[. . . ] Donotexceedthequantitiesandprocessing timesindicatedinthetable. Charge, storeandusetheapplianceata temperaturebetween5°Cand35°C. Donotdismantleorshort-circuitthe batteries. Protect the batteries from fire, heatanddirectsunlight. 1. 4 Electromagneticfields (EMF) This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). [. . . ] If this happens when you try to switch on the appliance, simply repeat the switching-on procedure (see chapter `Using your hand blender'). If this happens when you want to check the remaining battery capacity, simply release the safety switch and press it downwards again. If you want to check the remaining battery capacitywhentheapplianceisswitched 3. 4 Preparethefood off, slidethesafetyswitchdownwardsand 1 Lethotingredientscooldownbeforeyou thenreleaseit. chop them or pour them into the beaker (max. temperature80°C). DNote: 2 Cutlargeingredientsintopiecesof2cm beforeyouprocessthem. If you keep the safety switch pressed downwardslongerthan2seconds, the indicator lights start to flash red (see section `Error mode' in this chapter). 3. 3. 4Batterylow 4 Usingyourhand blender 4. 1 Blending BWarning: Avoidtouchingtheblades, especiallywhenthe blenderbarisattachedtothemotorunit. The bladesaresharp. BWarning: If the blades get stuck, remove the blender bar fromthemotorunitbeforeyouremovethe ingredients that block the blades. The hand blender is intended for: · blending fluids, e. g. dairy products, sauces, fruit juices, soups, mixed drinks and shakes. · pureeing cooked ingredients, e. g. 1 Attachtheblenderbartothemotorunit (`click'). 3 4 Slidethesafetyswitchdownwards(1), hold itinpositionandpresstheon/offbutton(2) toswitchontheappliance. 2 1 5 DNote: If you do not press the on/off button within 2secondsafterslidingthesafetyswitch downwards, the indicator lights start to flash red (see section `Error mode' in chapter `Getting started'). If you have trouble removing the batteries, you can also take the appliance toaPhilipsservicecentre. Thestaffofthis centrewillremovethebatteriesforyouand willdisposeoftheminanenvironmentally safeway. 6. 0. 1Disposalofthebatteries BWarning: Onlyremovethebatterieswhentheyare completelyemptytoavoidahazard. BWarning: Neverletthebatteriescomeintocontact withmetal. 3 Pressthesafetyswitchdownwardsand fix it in this position with adhesive tape. · The indicator lights start to flash red. 2 E n gl I s h 6 Disposal 10 4 5 When the indicator lights go out, the batteries should be completely empty. Trytoswitchontheapplianceagainto check if the batteries are really empty. If the motor starts, repeat the whole procedure. · Putthemotorunitwiththebatteries stillattachedinabowlwithonelitre waterand1teaspoonsalt. leave the motor unit and the batteries in the bowl for 24 hours. 0 Cutthewirestodisconnectthe 1 batteries. 9 6 Undothetwoscrews. 7 Removetheplasticcover. 7 Guarantee If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at www. philips. com or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country, go to your local Philips dealer or contact the service Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV. 8 Toremovethebatteriesfromthe housing, pullattheplasticloopthat sticks out from the inside of the appliance. 11 E n gl I s h 8 Frequentlyasked questions This chapter lists the questions most frequently asked about the hand blender. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact the Customer Care Centre in your country. [. . . ] The overheat protection has switched off the appliance because the motor is too hot. let the appliance cool down before you continue to use it. If the appliance still does not work, contact your Philips dealer or a service centre authorised by Philips. Why does the bottom indicator light flash blue? [. . . ]

PHILIPS HR1364 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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