사용자 설명서 JAMO S 418 HCS 3

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[. . . ] , . iPhone . iPhone iPhone (/ , ), . iPhone . iPhone iPhone . www. apple. com/kr/support/iphone/service/faq . iPhone . [. . . ] This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada. This Class B device meets all the requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Réglement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada. Limitation of Exposure of the General Public to Electromagnetic Fields(0­300 GHz) 1999 7 12 RF Exposure Requirement 1999/519/EC . . EN 300 328, EN 301 489-17, EN 301 511, EN 301 908, EN 50385 R&TTE Directive . EU AppleInc. , , Wi-Fi Bluetooth 1999/5/. Cesky SpolecnostAppleInc. tímtoprohlasuje, zetotomobilnízaízenís technologiíWi-FiaBluetoothvyhovujezákladnímpozadavkmadalsím píslusnýmustanovenímsmrnice1999/5/ES. Dansk UndertegnedeAppleInc. erklærerherved, atfølgendeudstyr cellular, Wi-FiogBluetoothoverholderdevæsentligekravogøvrige relevantekravidirektiv1999/5/EF. Deutsch HiermiterklärtAppleInc. , dasssichMobiltelefon, Wi-Fiund BluetoothinÜbereinstimmungmitdengrundlegendenAnforderungenund denübrigeneinschlägigenBestimmungenderRichtlinie1999/5/EG befinden. Eesti KäesolevagakinnitabAppleInc. , etseemobiil-, Wi-Fi-jaBluetoothseadevastabdirektiivi1999/5/EÜpõhinõuetelejanimetatuddirektiivist tulenevateleteisteleasjakohastelesätetele. English Hereby, AppleInc. declaresthatthiscellular, Wi-Fi, andBluetooth deviceisincompliancewiththeessentialrequirementsandotherrelevant provisionsofDirective1999/5/EC. Español PormediodelapresenteAppleInc. declaraqueestedispositivo celular, Wi-FiyBluetoothcumpleconlosrequisitosesencialesycualesquiera otrasdisposicionesaplicablesoexigiblesdelaDirectiva1999/5/CE. Français ParlaprésenteAppleInc. déclarequel'appareilcellulaire, Wi-Fi, etBluetoothestconformeauxexigencesessentiellesetauxautres dispositionspertinentesdeladirective1999/5/CE. madeforipod@apple. com iPhone 3 devprograms@apple. com iPhone . (b) iPhone iPhone Apple iPhone . iPhone iPhone iPhone . , . (c) iPhone iPhone ( ), , , , , , . (, iPhone ). Apple iPhone . (d) . (e) iPhone ( 5 ) , iPhone . 3. iPhone , , , , 3 ( 3 , `2 ' ). (a) iPhone , iPhone iPhone , (b) iPhone , (c) iPhone . 4. iPhone, , , Apple, iPhone , , , , , . Apple Apple , iPhone , , , . [. . . ] "" , , , , , . Google Google , . Google Google Google Google , Google Google . Google"" . Google, , , . GoogleGoogle , , , . GoogleGoogle , , , , Google Google, Google Google, , () . Google . 2007 9 YOUTUBE http://www. youtube. com/t/terms Apple1 ( ) . [. . . ]

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Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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