사용자 설명서 JAMO A 303

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다. 잊지마세요 : 물건을 사기 전에 반드시 사용자 설명서를 읽으세요

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[. . . ] Novell® NetWare® Novell, Incorporated . Sun® Sun Microsystems® Sun Microsystems, Incorporated . SPARC® SPARC International, Incorporated . SPARCstationTM SPARC International, Incorporated Sun Microsystems, Incorporated . [. . . ] ) A4 ( Letter) 210 x 297 mm (157 g/m2) 25 25 016-2009-00 016-2010-00 Phaser A/Letter ( ) 8. 5 x 11 (50 lb. ) A4 ( Letter) 210 x 297 mm (190 g/m2) 25 / 10 2. 0 x 3. 5 25 / 10 51 x 89mm 016-1899-00 016-1898-00 Phaser A/Letter ( ) 8. 5 x 11 (70 lb. ) A4 ( Letter) 210 x 297 mm (190 g/m2) 25 / 25 / 016-1987-00 016-1988-00 Phaser® 6200 7 Phaser® 6200 Xerox Phaser 6200 (1) 1, 000, 000 . , Xerox Xerox . I I I I , , , . Xerox . , EEA , EEA(European Economic Area) . Xerox . I Xerox Xerox . Xerox . Xerox . Xerox Xerox . Xerox Xerox . (CRC) (90) ( (6) ) , (1) . JAMO JAMO CRC JAMO CRC . Xerox . © 2002 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 8 , . Xerox . I I I Xerox Xerox , . Tektronix/Xerox Tektronix/Xerox , . Route the interface cables on the printer away from the receiver Consult the dealer, Xerox service, or an experienced radio/television technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Xerox can affect the emission and immunity compliance and could void the user's authority to operate this product. To ensure compliance, use shielded interface cables. A shielded parallel cable can be purchased directly from Xerox at www. xerox. com/officeprinting/6200supplies. Xerox has tested this product to internationally accepted electromagnetic emission and immunity standards. These standards are designed to mitigate interference caused or received by this product in a normal office environment. This product is also suitable for use in a residential environment based on the levels tested. In the United States this product complies with the requirements of an unintentional radiator in part 15 of the FCC rules. Freq 0. 5kV on Signal Lines 1kV on AC Mains Line Surge IEC61000-4-5:1995 Combination wave 2. 0kV Common mode 2. 0kV Differential mode Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (Conducted) Line voltage dips IEC61000-4-6:1996 IEC61000-4-11:1994 0. 15 - 80 MHz, 3V, 80% AM @ 1kHz >95% dip for ½ cycle @ 50 Hz 30% dip for 25 cycles @ 50 Hz Line voltage drop-out IEC61000-4-11:1994 >95% dropout for 250 cycles @ 50 Hz This product, if used properly in accordance with the user's instructions is neither dangerous for the consumer nor for the environment. A signed copy of the Declaration of Conformity for this product can be obtained from Xerox. Phaser® 6200 18 Phaser® 6200 ( ) Manufacturer: Xerox Corporation, Office Printing Business P. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon, 97070-1000 Preparation Date: January 15, 2002 SECTION 1 ­ PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Names Black Toner Cartridge Cyan Toner Cartridge Magenta Toner Cartridge Yellow Toner Cartridge Imaging Unit, contains Developer Part Numbers 016-2008-00, 016-2004-00 016-2005-00, 016-2001-00 016-2006-00, 016-2002-00 016-2007-00, 016-2003-00 016-2012-00 Product Use: JAMO Phaser® 6200 Color Printers SECTION 2 - INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Ingredients (percent by weight) Toner: Polyester resins (70-90%) Carbon black or non-hazardous color pigments (<10%) Paraffin and vegetable waxes (<15%) Amorphous silicas (<8%) Developer: Frits, chemicals (>90%) Toner (<10%) CAS number Trade Secret carbon black: 1333-86-4 Trade secret Trade secret Trade secret Trade secret © 2002 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 19 ( ) SECTION 3 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: Toner and developer powders are encased in a cartridge. Minimal exposure through inhalation or skin contact is expected when used as intended. [. . . ] EVAPORATION RATE: Not applicable VAPOR DENSITY (Air = 1): Not applicable VOLATILE (%): Not applicable SOFTENING RANGE: Not available MELTING POINT: Not available SPECIFIC GRAVITY (Water = 1): Not available VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): Not applicable pH: Not applicable SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable. INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: Strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: During a fire, toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION This material has been evaluated by Xerox Corporation. The toxicity data noted below is based on test results of the materials described herein or similar toners. Oral LD50: >5 g/kg (rats), practically non-toxic Dermal LD50: > 5 g/kg (rabbits), practically non-toxic Inhalation LC50: > 5 mg/l (rats; 4 hour exposure), practically non-toxic Eye Irritation: Not an irritant Skin sensitization: Not a sensitizer Skin irritation: Not an irritant Mutagenicity: No mutagenicity detected in Ames assay Carcinogens: None present Phaser® 6200 21 ( ) Additional Information: The results obtained from a Xerox sponsored Chronic Toner Inhalation Study demonstrated no lung changes in rats for the lowest (1 mg/m3) exposure level (ie. , the level most relevant to potential human exposure). [. . . ]

JAMO A 303 사용자 가이드를 다운로드 받기 위한 면책조항

Lastmanuals는 사용자 가이드, 오너매뉴얼, 퀵스타트 가이드, 기술 데이터 시트 등의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 사용과 관련된 사용자 설명서를 공유, 저장, 그리고 검색하는 서비스를 제공한다.
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